And the JOURNEY Continues...

First of all, let me just say this blog was correctly titled! My journey has been quite an interesting one! Definitely not "uneventful" - that's for sure... I left LA about 6 1/6 years ago, not knowing why I was leaving a pretty stable acting career in an industry where stable acting careers are hard to find. I came back home to Texas, not sure what I was looking for, but open to the adventure that was to be found. Three years later, I left Austin and found myself back in my hometown of Corpus Christi Texas, with two kids and a husband. That was January, 2 years ago. My initial plan was to open up a casting office in town, and continue casting. What I found was a city that didn't have much of an entertainment business community. No talent agencies, no acting schools, aside from high school theatre and the college and university. That makes casting very difficult. That's when I decided to start teaching. I found Aurora Arts Theatre,...