
Showing posts from November, 2011

The Mommy Life

Yes, my computer is still broken, which means the blog updates are few and far between. Sorry about that - but I'm stubborn and prefer to hold out until I can afford a Mac! :) And it's difficult to update from my iphone, so unless I have access to a computer, blogging has stalled for me. :( I will try to get to it as often as I can, but as you know, my plate has been full these days... So we are creeping up on week 22 of this pregnancy. Let me tell you, I'm not one of those moms who LOVE being pregnant! It's very weird actually. And uncomfortable. And stressful. Not sure if I would do it again. But I hear you feel differently after the little one enters the world. Hm. We'll see....And speaking of entering the world...Can someone else PLEASE give birth to this baby other than me? Or can I go to sleep and wake up and it's over?? I fear the delivery process. Call me a wuss. I don't care. It's weird because I'm officially showing now. ...