ok, First off, my computer has been broken for the past three weeks. :( I thought it was just the backlight, but apparently the problem lies with the connection from the motherboard to the backlight, and I was told it wasn't fixable. Or worth it actually. So, that explains part of why I've slacked on the blog here... While I shop around for a new laptop, (I'm thinking of a macbook pro...), I'm hooking up my computer to my TV just so I can get a screen for now. fun fun fun... Another reason why I've been gone for a while is...I've been busy being a mom. Huh?! What?! Yup. I adopted a newborn just three weeks ago. A family member asked me to take him while she was pregnant back in May, and I agreed, so little Nicolas was born August 29, 2011. :) And I've had him ever since. It's an adjustment considering he's my first baby. But now I bring you to the other news... I found out just 6 weeks after I agreed to take this little one into my hea...