This Stage

I've been on many stages in my life.  Small black box theater spaces, huge stages that I shared with the San Antonio Symphany, and even stages that weren't really stages.  I've even been through many stages myself - from the awkward kid who didn't know who she wanted to be, to the professional actress struggling with what to do next.  To the woman who is now a mommy.  Out of ALL those stages - I love the stage that my kids are in now the most.  :)
Ivy will be a year in a month.  And Nic will be 18 months.  And as much as I loved holding my newborns in my arms, I remember thinking, um...when does this begin to be FUN?  Yes, having (almost) two toddlers definitely has its TOUGH moments (tantrums anyone??), but watching them learn and discover things is priceless.  Hearing them "talk" to each other is surreal!  They may understand each other, but it sounds like babble to me and their dad.
Ivy slept a lot when she was a newborn, and didn't interact all that much.  Then she started to grow.  And grow.  And grow.  And everyday we notice how much more she is turning into her own person, with her own unique personality.  She's funny, and sweet, and demanding, and strong!  Whenever Nicolas tries to grab a toy from her hand, she grips it so tight!  They are quickly becoming best friends - and it's pretty amazing to witness!
Nicolas has music in his soul.  Not only will he stop whatever he is doing and start to dance when he hears it, he'll dance just for eating something he likes.  He does the happy dance for food!
He loves to run back and forth and act as if someone is chasing him.  He will sit down on anyone's lap!  He loves to be hugged.  He knows how to kick a ball already, but what I find the sweetest thing about him is how he loves stuffed animals.  He hugs them tight and bites their noses.  It's too cute.
Ivy loves to give kisses.  She started early on the french kisses, so I'm trying to keep that tongue back in her mouth, but she's giving love nonetheless!  She crinkles her nose and snorts.  She dances when she hears music.  And she is very ticklish.  I LOVE making her crack up laughing.  She has an amazing belly laugh.
These are my babies, who are quickly growing up.  I can't believe it's been a year already since I became a mom to TWO babies!  I try not to blink too much because before I know it, they will be off to college and I'll really be wondering where the time went!
Ok, back to singing along with Elmo.
La la la, la la la, Elmo's World....


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