Motivation for the New Year

I received this awesome motivational email this week:

This is not a dress rehearsal. With every new day we are in the act of creating the story of our own lives. Too many people spend theirs wishing for something better or envious of those who seem to have more and do more. In reality, the life we have is the product of our actions and attitudes to this point. If it is not to our liking, we can change both and consequently change the results that comprise our life and circumstances.
Refuse to live vicariously through depictions in film and television. Refuse to envy the good results of others. Get on about the task of discovering what talents have been given to you by God and heredity and how they can be put to use in creating a remarkable life that properly reflects those gifts. Consider how to be the best you in matters spiritual, family, social, career, financial, physical and mental and determine to rise to become that person.


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