Spielberg Calling...

My manager called me today and started off with "Spielberg's office called for you today".
Wow - can we hang up and let me hear that again? PLEASE??!!!! :)
They are doing a new DVD called "Spielberg on Spielberg", I guess where he talks about his movies. They are showing a clip with me in it, not sure which one, but they called to "book" me for that - meaning PAY me for using my image! Nice! I hope I get a copy of the DVD! And I wish they use one of the clips that was left on the cutting room floor! I did a few more close ups that didn't make it to the final film! One where I even did a "stunt" and I hopped the Burger King counter and went running and yelling down the food court! We'll see which one they use!
And hopefully all of you - EVERYONE - buys a copy of this DVD! :)


Tim said…
Very cool Lydia! Be sure to let us know when this comes out.
magickat said…
Everything as of late sounds wonderful. I hope you end 2007 with lots of great news, specifically bookings on 24 and Dirt.

I plan on walking the picket here in NYC tomorrow. We need to stand by the writers. Without them so much wonderful entertainment would be lost.

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