Just Another Day....

I spent my afternoon getting my new 8x10 pictures ready for reproduction. Between my manager and agent, I'm getting 6 headshots done! wow - that's a lot!
Then, I came home and got a few autographed pictures signed for a few "fans" that contacted me this week. :) That's always nice! I'm mailing them out tomorrow. :)
My beautiful futon was delivered yesterday for my home office and I'm expecting my new desk next week. My place is almost done!
And I can't believe the holidays are right around the corner. Makes me feel silly for purchasing things for my home - like a futon for the office - when it's not a necessity. I guess I could've waited until the beginning of next year, AFTER the holidays, to buy it - but my impatient nature wants everything to be done and ready NOW! Oh well - I love it - so there! haha
Day 3 of the strike... Check it out - and support: UnitedHollywood.com


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