Watch me on Medium TONIGHT!

I forgot to post this yesterday, to give you more of a heads up, but I will be on Medium tonight on NBC at 10pm. You won't be able to miss me - the one who screams! You can actually see me for a brief second on the preview for tonight's episode if you go to:
I also have an audition today for a pilot on Nickelodeon. It's a Guest Star/possible recurring role, the mother to one of the kids who is a title character. Man, has it come to this? I'm "Mom" now - damn I'm getting old! hahaha I usually play moms to little kids - 5 or 6 years old - but this one sounds a bit older than that. We'll see. As long as she is not a teen - I'm too young for that!!!!! RIGHT??? Hopefully.... :)


Tim said…
Hey you looked good on Medium last night!

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