Network Audition!

I have to admit, this has been a pretty good year for me. Even though lately I have been feeling a little burned out to thepoint where I just want to move and do something else - ANYTHING else! But yesterday, after going to my 3rd audition for the Nickelodeon pilot Star and Stella Save the World, I started to reflect on all the amazing things I got to experience this year.
Let's start with this callback for "Network" yesterday. I have never been this far in the audition process for such a large role on a new show! I showed up to the executive offices in Santa Monica and I saw all the same actors who auditioned on Friday. Apparently yesterday's audition was about pairing up husbands and wives to see who matched with the daughter, the lead of the show (Stella). I went in with my 1st husband and did the scene as a family for the executives. There was no reaction from the room, which was a little nerve racking since they laughed at every line on Friday! But I'm sure they were busy scrutinizing and sizing us up to laugh. The scene went well and they asked us all to wait in the lobby until they dismissed us. They came out and told all the parents to go home except for 4 of us. They wanted to match us up differently and see the chemistry with a new partner. So it was between myself and one other woman for the mom, and two men for the dad. I did the scene again with my new husband, which I though went even better, and then we waited in the lobby some more. Then the casting director came out and said they wanted to see the husbands again, then she asked the other woman if she could stay and read with them. So I took it to mean they decided on her and wanted to see which husband matched her best - but I could be wrong!
The only worry I had was when I saw they were casting for a 16 year old son. I was the youngest mom there, and since everyone else was in their late 30's/early 40's , I had the feeling I may be too young for this role. But again - I could be wrong!
All in all, the experience was awesome! It felt nice to be narrowed down to 2 people for this role, and the best part is the role is NOT stereotypical! No accent, I'm not a maid, and it's a light and funny show. This would be a GREAT job to get!
So, after thinking about yesterday, it reminded me of the awesome experience of shooting the pilot The Virgin of Akron Ohio in the beginning of this year. Another first for me.
Both were amazing experiences and I feel like I have so much more to experience in this career. They say you should quit once it stops being fun for you - and I thought I had come to that point. But yesterday showed me I haven't. I think it was the much needed jumpstart I was looking for.
But I'm still going on a very long vacation this summer and taking it all in - day by day! :)


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