Trying to Be ProActive...

Let's see...not much is happening. I'm trying to be proactive in my career so I'm signing up for workshops and seminars whenever I have the chance. I went to a workshop on Saturday at Actorsite. It was for Jeff Greenberg's office. That went very well. Then on Sunday I went to a seminar (at Actorsite again) called "The Business of Show Business", which was showing us how to use our computer to manage our acting careers. It was very informative....Thanks Julia!
I did get a phone call today from one of the producers of The Virgin of Akron Ohio. I was hoping he was calling to tell me that after seeing the footage of the pilot, they have decided to make me a series regular!!! :) But he called to let me know of the screening/wrap party we are having March 31st at the director's home in Brentwood. I'm nervous about seeing the final product. I hope I did a well enough job! The producer said they were very happy with it so I hope that means I did! I can't wait to see everyone again! I'm excited!


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