Believe it Can Happen

Well, hello world! I am back! After having a broken laptop for 8 1/2 months, I finally feel reconnected to the web! I have purchased my MacBook Pro (Happy Mother's Day to me!) and am back online! YAY!!!! So, here I am. At home. With no time to blog like I used to. But I will try and make time between caring for Nicolas and Ivy, laundry, cooking, running errands, and playgroups. When did I become a desperate housewife??? ;) Oh yeah, when I left LA and moved back to Texas. That's right. But let me tell you, Life is pretty awesome! I can't help but to remember what my days were like in Hollywood. I'm talking my day to day life. If I was LUCKY, I had an audition (or even TWO!) sometime in my day that I had to prepare for, meaning review my sides, figure out what headshot to bring, figure out exactly where I was going, and allow at least an hour to get there - no matter where it was in the city. Sounds like a full day, huh? Well, those were the days when I actually had an audition - which wasn't as often as I would hope for - or people would assume. Most of my days were spent either in my acting class (once a week with Howard Fine), teaching classes at Actorsite, running the workshops in the evening, and/or dropping headshots off at casting offices through my side business The Actor's Courier. If I didn't have class, or an audition, or I've done the drops for that week already - I had nothing. AND I MEAN NOTHING GOING ON. So I would try not to bore myself to death at home. Maybe take a walk to Whole Foods. Maybe find a friend who was bored that day too, to kill time with. Maybe watch way too much television. I'm so used to being super busy every minute of my day that I would go crazy sitting at home twiddling my thumbs - which I did often. That thumb twiddling can get pretty lonely and depressing after a while. I would daydream about being needed by other people - a family. Dream about the day where my days were about other people and not myself. Busy with family life. I never thought those dreams would come true. Seriously. Just like I never thought that my dream career would ever come true - but I had 10 years in a city where most people can't handle, in an industry where most people aren't successful, and I found Success! How crazy is that?? And now, here I am, in another successful path that I chose - talk about empowering! It really does make me feel like I can accomplish anything I set my mind to! You really can have the things you want in life! You just have to allow yourself to receive them. I know that may sound corny or very "The Secret" - but it's true. You can bring all the things you want to yourself if you just believe it can happen. I believed. Do you?


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