New City, New Name

Ok, the move is official. I arrived in Texas Monday. Drove straight to San Antonio, rented my storage unit, then headed to my hometown of Corpus Christi. Been here one whole day now. I have to say it feels pretty good. What's weird is, it never feels this good. But this feels different.
Hmmm...I wonder if it feels like a vacation? Maybe it won't feel real until I move into my own place? Time will tell.

It's nice to see friends and family though. Last night I had dinner at my parents' house. Ahhh...homecooked food with a full house. :) That beats eating alone in my little apartment any day! :)

So, since I no longer live in Hollywood, it makes sense to change the name of this blog. It's now titled "Lydia's Journey Beyond Hollywood". We'll see what new adventures my life has in store for me. Can't wait :)

So far, my Houston agent contacted me about an audition for a new Mark Wahlberg film. They needed me to put myself on tape and submit the audition for two roles by this Friday. Unfortunately I have my movers coming in tomorrow and I have to meet them in San Antonio to let them in the storage unit. So I went ahead and declined this opportunity. I don't have time this week to prepare. But I have to say - it's a little too soon for me. I really do need a break. I've been burnt out for a while now, and the last thing I want to do right now is submit myself for a role named Rosa who speaks Spanish.... Just sayn...


Tim said…
Enjoy the "vacation" feeling while you can, Lydia. :)
Have a very Merry Christmas!!

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