On Hold

Today was my callback for Better Off Ted. I was not nervous until I saw a bunch of girls there for the callback who weren't there for the pre-read. or at least, not there when I was there. I even met one girl who was actually 7 months pregnant and with my agent! But I went into the producer-filled room and was ready to ROCK IT! I did each scene and got nice polite laughs at the end of them all, then I assume it was the director, who had me do the first scene again. I did, more laughs, and then I was done. I walked out of there feeling pretty good about it - but ready to let it go because you never know.
Then I get a call from my manager a couple of hours later letting me know I'm the "Top Choice" and they're waiting to hear back from network about storyboards and dates. So I ask, "Top choice? - So is there someone else they're considering as well?" and she answered no. The role is mine as long as it stays in the script and they lock down shoot dates. They have to do all of that before I get an official offer. So as of now, it's not an official booking - but close! I guess its as if I'm on "hold" or "Watch and Advise". Hmm....
Still GREAT news nonetheless! :)


Julia Nalbach said…
Great news - definitely! Nonetheless I keep my fingers crossed till you get the final GO:-)
Reluctant said…
Awesome! I've been googling to try to figure out what it means when you're "pinned" for an episode... I'm gonna assume it means this. Yay for us both and lets hope we get some dates soon...

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