Adjusting to These Economic Times

This economic crisis has affected both my jobs.
First off, LAUSD handed out 6,000 pink slips to permanent and non permanent teachers, which means that lots of them will be out of a job next school year if they don't get placed somewhere else (Thanks Gov. Arnold!). Which means many would probably go into the subbing cycle, which means I could get called for work much less. Great.
Then, the entertainment industry is feeling it also. Aside from the fact that SAG still hasn't finalized a new thearical contract for us, studios are making less and less films right now. Which means that big stars who normally do films are doing television just to get work. Which trickles down to me, because they are taking those guest star spots on shows that I need to work on. So I've been doing some thinking, and I figured this is not the time to stand my ground on the whole "guest star/series regular only" jobs. I really can't even say "no more maid roles" or no more anything.... I kind of have to take what I can just to keep working.
So I emailed my representation this weekend and told them that I am willing to do any part, big or small, on any project (union of course) just to keep working. Times are tough. And hopefully when things get better, we can pick up where my career has been headed and go forward in that direction.
Time to swallow pride and do even those roles I felt that I had "moved past".
Well, what can you do....? Gotta stay busy any way you can, right? :)


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