Nice "Actor" Day

I had a 7:30am call time this morning for the Dollhouse shoot. Traffic was hell this morning and I arrived about 10 minutes late! Oops! I HATE when that happens! I was playing an "upscale housewife" and I have to say this was the quickest and easiest paycheck I have every worked for! I was wrapped by 10:30am, it took only 3 minutes to actually shoot my part, and my quote was raised! YAY!! All good stuff!
After I wrapped, I headed over to the SAG office to update my member info to include my new representation (see below). I checked out the SAG Actor Center for a bit, (very cool place) then headed over to Photoshop in Sherman Oaks to start ordering my new postcard. I wanted to design one that annouced my new rep, my Dollhouse booking, and my Desperate Housewives episode that SHOULD air November 2nd.
After that, I headed over to a commercial audition in Van Nuys for an allergy medicine. The role was a mother of an 8 year old and the sides had A LOT of dialogue. I wasn't able to get the script ahead of time, and I didn't even think I would make it to the audition if it wasn't for me wrapping early, so I got there a bit early to look it over. I was a little nervous because I had a lot to say with not a lot of time to prepare. But I'm pretty confident in my cold reading skills and I have to say I was able to pull it off. The casting director, Pam Gilles, seemed to be very happy with my audition and called me a real "professional". Awww....That was nice.
Now we'll just wait and see what happens....


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