Ahhh...Vacation Time!!

I subbed a few days this week at an elementary school where I have worked pretty steadily over the past few years. A fellow teacher (Hey Aldo, this mention is for you!!) was finally introduced to my blog for the first time! And I'm sure he's been checking it for a few days, just to see if I would mention him. hehehe Maybe now, he'll become a regular! :)
Well, after subbing only two days this week, I'm ready for a vacation! I took a long weekend and headed to Palm Desert to be a bridemaid in my friend Jennifer's wedding. It was HOT, but thankfully mostly everything was indoors! I just got back home tonight and now I have to pack and head to Dallas first thing Tuesday, then to Corpus for a week.
I can't wait to see my family and friends!!! :) Hopefully I don't miss anything big while I'm gone!


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