Staged Reading

Today was a crazy hectic day. This whole week has been!
My day started off with a visit to the editor who is reorganizing my reel. I had realized I didn't have my Curb Your Enthusiasm episode on me, so I headed off to Target to buy season 5 on DVD so she can finish the reel. Can you believe they discontinued it at Target??? So I head over to Best Buy and they were out (I guess that's good news for my residuals!). Then I found it at Borders and took it straight back to her office. Well, of course, it was encoded so you couldn't dub it from the dvd. I bought it for nothing! The coloring would be so off if you tried to record it onto another source. So I ended up going home and searching my old VHSs and found my original recording of it. YAY!
But I was running late for my reading in the OC so I couldn't take her the VHS just yet. I showed up at Chapman University around 3pm and we rehearsed it for a bit and did our reading around 4:30pm. It went very well. The script was from a hypertext narrative called Show of Hands.
After the reading, I had to hit the road to make it to my workshop by 7pm. Luckily I made it in just the nick of time! My workshop was with Tara Treacy from Valko/Miller Casting. They cast 2 1/2 Men, , and some other shows and pilots.Big Bang Theory. The workshop was short and sweet and I was home by 9pm.
Tomorrow I have to drop off that VHS to the editor and I have a wardrobe fitting for Weeds. :)


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