Last Minute Audition - for 24!!!

I got the call late this morning that I had a last minute audition for 24 at 3:30pm. My agents and managers were trying to get me my sides, but they didn't have them until later. So I stopped by my manager's office and waited for the sides to be faxed in. They came at 2:30pm and I highlighted the script and practiced on the road to the audition! It was a 5 page audition for a guest star role! And I had the sides for less than an hour before my audition - with only the drive to work on it! wow -
So I go in and do a pretty kick ass read, and they ask me to come back to producers at 5pm. So I went to Starbucks for an hour and worked on it some more and went back to meet the director and producer. It went really well - and I was out the door! :)
I would LOVE to book this!!! A guest star role on 24???? Are you kidding me????
Tomorrow I have an audition for a cop role on October Road! :)


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