Business as Usual...

Feels good to have auditions so soon after I just got back from vacation! I had an audition for Desperate Housewives today. It was for a small nurse role. It was a straight to producers call where I met the director. My audition went really well, they seemed pretty happy with it. Now it's just up to what "type" they are looking for. I was the only Latina in the audition room (that I saw), so we'll see what they decide.
I have another audition (YAY!!!) tomorrow! It's to play a mayoral aide on the Sara Silverman Show. What's funny is...I was looking at the breakdown and the first role I saw was "Dora" the maid, so I quickly asked my agent which role I was auditioning for! That's when he told me it was the aide, not the maid. (Thank God! Finally!) But as I read the breakdown I noticed just how large that Dora role was in comparison to the "mayoral aide #2" role I was going in for. What a bad time to STOP playing maids huh? haha Just when there's a LARGE maid role out there! But they didn't call me in for that so I guess I can't complain...I'll just go in and be the best mayoral aide I can be! ;)


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