Audition Tomorrow!

Ok, so I have an audition for a co-star role tomorrow. It's a new show for NBC and my part is a nice co-star role in two scenes. I know I said I didn't want to do anymore co-star parts - but I checked out the sides and this role was pretty juicy. My character is getting car-jacked with a gun pointed out her and she's terrified. So I get to stretch my acting muscles a bit with this part. I think my character is in tears for the entire 2 scenes, trembling and completely freaked out. Nice. I especially like the action sequence at the end of the second scene where they stop my car by ramming a patrol car into it and having to pull me out of it to save me. Sounds like fun! :)


Tasia Sherel said…
Lydia, good for you taking your career in YOUR hands. We've yet to meet, but we're both doing GREAT things.
Angel said…

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