Busy Times...

I LOVE being able to say that! Well, Thursday and Friday of this week are busy at least - but I'm hoping it will trickle into next week! So today was a lot of running around - and tomorrow will be even more so! I subbed today and went straight to SONY studios for my audition for Deja Vu - the Denzel Washington feature. It went well. Well...it went ok. Those 2 line roles are pretty hard to nail. They had me say my first line. Then say it again. Then do something a little different. Then say it again. Ok, now try something else. Then I did the same thing with my second line. It was kinda hard to "stay in the moment" when you're rewinded over and over again. I went straight to my rehearsal for my pilot on cable access: Paradise Drive. We shoot first thing tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow will be interesting because I am shooting in my goth character for the pilot - then I have to go straight to my film audition, Expecting Love, at noon, where I'm playing a maid. I'll be sure to pack a face wash with me and some extra clothes! Then I have a little time after the audition to go home and get ready for my meeting at ACME with their commercial department. Busy day of running around and having to be in 3 different looks for 3 different appointments! I hope tomorrow's audition goes better than today! I've been working on that accent - and I'd love to shoot in Poland!


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