The First Few Days...

Me (center) and the cast of Real Women Have Curves in Santa Barbara last year. I gained 20 pounds for this role - I'm STILL trying to get rid of them all! Yikes! LOL

My first couple of days without a day job weren't as busy with the industry as I imagined. I went to the gym, shopped for shoes :-), and came home to get ready to teach the kids class at Actorsite. That was both Thursday and Friday. The good thing is I did manage to update my addresses with the new pilots that were casting, and I sent postcards to some people I met the past couple of weeks at workshops or auditions. So all was not lost those two days!
Saturday I was a bit busier! I had 2 workshops back to back - one with Donna Rosenstein's office who casts Ghost Whisperer, and one with Leslie Litt's office who used to cast Friends and now casts pilots. I thought I did well in both of them, so I will send a "nice to have met you" postcard!
I also saw a friend of mine in a play Saturday night - Real Women Have Curves. It was the same play I did last year in Santa Barbara with that same friend. She was reprising her role. It was a VERY tiny theater with probably no more than 40 seats! I thought it had some really funny moments, but I did have some problems with the directing of the show. The stage was very small - so I don't mean the blocking - I meant the acting direction. I just thought that a couple of actors were more concerned of "hamming it up" and making the audience laugh instead of having some real emotional moments and connections. They kinda glazed over that. And is it bad to say that after seeing someone else do the part I did a year ago - I feel really good about my talent! haha I know it probably sounds bad to say - but I left there with a confidence that I never should have lost. I left there thinking "Wow...I'm really good" hahah ok - now I'll shut up -


Anonymous said…
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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